Camille DelcourMar 30, 2023Infographic: What is an IT Maintenance contract?What is an It Maintenance contract and how to identify a good subcontractor!
Konstantinos BagiosFeb 17, 2022Infographic: Why IT Maintenance is essential ?Download the infographic to share with your colleagues #MaintenanceIT #Cybooster #InformationTechnology #Update #Protection #Functional ...
Konstantinos BagiosJan 10, 2022The challenges of 2020The year 2020 was a year full of challenges, especially in the digital world. We take advantage of this article to wish you at the same...
Konstantinos BagiosJan 10, 2022CYBERSECURITY - 10 measures against cyberattacksGlobalement la fraude touche de plus en plus de PME et de TPE moins armées face à ces menaces. Quelles sont les 10 mesures essentielles ?
Konstantinos BagiosJan 10, 2022CYBERSECURITY - What is it?L’explosion des problèmes de cybersécurité est un fait. On enregistre +238% de cyberattaques à l'encontre des banques